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This project has ended: Project duration 2013 - 2016

Publications by members of the UoC Forum



Forum Publications

UoC Forum 'Ethnicity as a Political Resource' (eds.). 2015: Ethnicity as a Political Resource - Conceptualizations across Disciplines, Regions, and Periods. Bielefeld: Transcript. Open Access E-Book.


  • Pelican, Michaela and Steinberger, Sofie, (eds.), Melilla. Perspectives on a Border Town. Cologne Working Papers in Cultural an Social Anthropoplogy, 6. Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology, University of Cologne.


  • Albiez-Wieck, Sarah (forthc.): "Die Indigenen als Teil der Kolonialgesellschaft". In: Dürr, Eveline; Kammler, Henry (eds.): Einführung in die Ethnologie Mesoamerikas. Münster Waxmann-Verlag.
  • Albiez-Wieck, Sarah,2016: "Identidades y pertenencias en el Michoacán antiguo antes y después de la conquista". In: Albiez-Wieck, Sarah; Roskamp, Hans (eds.): Continuidades y discontinuidades: El Michoacán antiguo desde el surgimiento del Estado tarasco hasta la época colonial. Zamora: El Colegio de Michoacán.
  • Albiez-Wieck, Sarah, 2016: "Indian migrants negotiating belonging: Peticiones de cambio de fuero in Cajamarca, Peru, 17th-18th century", submitted to Colonial Latin American Research Review.

  • Krämer, Mario, 2016: "Neither Despotic nor Civil: the Legitimacy of Chieftaincy in its Relationship with the ANC and the State in KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa)". In: Journal of Modern African Studies 54(1), pp. 117–143.

  • Manke, Albert (forthc.): "La reformulación de los conceptos de ciudadanía, patriotismo y cubanidad a principios de la revolución cubana de 1959". In: Höse, Vanessa/Motzkau, Katharina/Sáez-Arance, Antonio (eds.): Identidades nacionales en América Latina: discursos, saberes, representaciones (Tiempo Emulado. Historia de América y España). Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert.
  • Manke, Albert (forthc.): "Revolutionäre und Gegenrevolutionäre. Inlaws und Outlaws in Kuba, 1953-1965". In: Cwik, Christian, u.a. (eds.): Outlaws im karibischen Raum: Geschichte und Gegenwart. Berlin: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin, pp. 257-276.
  • Manke, Albert, 2016: "Etnización y revolución: La lucha por el poder entre los inmigrantes chinos en Cuba durante la Guerra Fría". In: Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas / Anuario de Historia de América Latina 53.
  • Manke, Albert, 2016: "Tschechoslowakische Waffen für ein revolutionäres Kuba: Der Beginn einer sozialistischen transatlantischen Allianz im Kalten Krieg". In: Manke, Albert/Březinová, Kateřina (eds.): Kleinstaaten und sekundäre Akteure im Kalten Krieg: Politische, wirtschaftliche, militärische und kulturelle Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Europa und Lateinamerika. Bielefeld: Transcript.
  • Manke, Albert/Březinová, Kateřina (eds.), 2016: Kleinstaaten und sekundäre Akteure im Kalten Krieg: Politische, wirtschaftliche, militärische und kulturelle Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Europa und Lateinamerika. Bielefeld: Transcript.
  • Manke, Albert, 2016: "Zanetti Lecuona, Óscar: Historia mínima de Cuba. Una breve síntesis de los hechos, los protagonistas y los escenarios que han definido Cuba, desde la prehistoria hasta el siglo XXI". In: Iberoamericana XVI:62. Madrid/México: Turner/El Colegio de México, pp. 279-281.

  • Pelican, Michaela, (forthc.): "Les migrants camerounais à Dubaï : stratégies d’insertion socio-économique et relations transnationales". In: Special issue of Al Irfan Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales/Marruecos on ‘Multiculturalism’.

  • Sáez Arance, Antonio (forthc.): "Historias de la chilenidad: académicos e indoctrinadores". In: Höse, Vanessa/Motzkau, Katharina/Sáez Arance, Antonio (eds.), Identidades nacionales en América Latina: discursos, saberes, representaciones. Frankfurt/Madrid: Iberoamericana/Vervuert.
  • Sáez-Arance, Antonio/Vanessa Höse and Katharina Motzkau (eds.), (forthc.): Identidades nacionales en América Latina: discursos, saberes, representaciones. Frankfurt a.M./Madrid: Vervuert.
  • Sáez-Arance, Antonio/Vanessa Höse and Katharina Motzkau, (forthc.): "Introducción. Identidades nacionales en América Latina: discursos, saberes, representaciones". In: Höse, Vanessa/Katharina Motzkau and Antonio Sáez-Arance, Antonio (eds.): Identidades nacionales en América Latina: discursos, saberes, representaciones. Frankfurt a.M./Madrid: Vervuert, pp. 3-22.

  • Schwarz, Tobias, 2016: "Naturalisation policies beyond a Western focus" (editorial to special issue "Naturalisation policies in the Global South"). In: Migration Letters 13(1), pp. 2–15.
  • Schwarz, Tobias, 2016: "'I won’t naturalize foreigners like crazy'". The naturalization campaign in Venezuela, 2004-2006". In: European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (101), pp.33-54.
  • Schwarz, Tobias, 2016: "Inmigración y nacionalidad en la República Dominicana: medios de soberanía para fines biopolíticos". In: Bernardo Bolaños Guerra (ed.), Biopolítica y migración. El eslabón perdido de la globalización. México, D.F, pp. 87-136.

  • Widlok, Thomas, (forthc.): "Comment on 'Before Nation: Scale-Blind Anthropology and Foragers’ Worlds of Relatives (Nurit Bird-David)'". In: Current Anthropology.
  • Widlok, Thomas, 2016: The anthropology of the economy of sharing. London: Routledge.
  • Widlok, Thomas, 2016: "Hunter-gatherer situations". In: Hunter Gatherer Research. 2/2, pp. 127-143.


  • UoC Forum 'Ethnicity as a Political Resource' (eds.). 2015: Ethnicity as a Political Resource - Conceptualizations across Disciplines, Regions, and Periods. Bielefeld: Transcript.

  • Albiez-Wieck, Sarah, 2015: "Introduction: Ethnicity as a political resource in different historical periods". In: UoC Forum 'Ethnicity as a Political Resource' (eds.): Ethnicity as a Political Resource - Conceptualizations across, disciplines, regions, and periods.  Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 171-182.

  • Becker, Anja Katharina, 2015: "Introduction: Ethnicity as a political resource viewed by scholars from different academic disciplines". In: UoC Forum 'Ethnicity as a Political Resource' (eds.): Ethnicity as a Political Resource - Conceptualizations across, disciplines, regions, and periods. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 11-24.  

  • Krämer, Mario, 2015: "Basislegitimität der widerständigen Gewalt und Kleiner Krieg in KwaZulu-Natal, Südafrika". In: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 140(2), pp. 159–176.
  • Krämer, Mario, 2015: "Introduction: Ethnicity as a political resource in different regions of the world". In: UoC Forum 'Ethnicity as a Political Resource' (eds.): Ethnicity as a Political Resource - Conceptualizations across, disciplines, regions, and periods. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp.99-106.

  • Manke, Albert, 2015: "Chinese in the Cuban revolution. An ethnically marked political mobilization?". In: UoC Forum 'Ethnicity as a Political Resource' (eds.): Ethnicity as a Political Resource - Conceptualizations across, disciplines, regions, and periods. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 237-252.
  • Manke, Albert , 2015: "Cuba y Checoslovaquia: Una nueva alianza estratégica en la Guerra Fría". In: Opatrný, Josef (ed.): Las relaciones entre Europa Central y Oriental y América Latina 1945-1989. (Ibero-Americana Pragensia) Praga: Universidad Carolina de Praga/Editorial Karolinum.
  • Manke, Albert, 2015: "El 'pueblo' cubano y la revolución de 1959". In: Wentzlaff-Eggebert, Christian (ed.): El pueblo de Europa y su voz en el espacio cultural europeo: ¿Quién es el pueblo? – ¡Nosotros somos el pueblo! Köln: Universität zu Köln, Arbeitskreis Spanien–Portugal–Lateinamerika, pp. 36-44.
  • Manke, Albert, 2015: "Paraguay". In: Gesellschaft für Überseegeschichte/Hiery, Hermann et al. (eds.): Lexikon zur Überseegeschichte. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, pp. 626-627.  

  • Pelican, Michaela, 2015: Masks and Staffs. Identity Politics in the Cameroon Grassfields. Oxford, New York: Berghahn.
  • Pelican, Michaela, 2015: "Movimientos por los derechos indígenas en África: Perspectivas desde Botsuana, Tanzania y Camerún". In: Revista Contra Relatos desde el Sur 12, pp. 31-46.
  • Pelican, Michaela, 2015: "Ethnicity as a Political Resource: Indigenous rights movements in Africa". In: UoC Forum 'Ethnicity as a Political Resource' (eds.): Ethnicity as a Political Resource - Conceptualizations across, disciplines, regions, and periods. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 137-151.
  • Pelican, Michaela and Junko Maruyama (eds.), 2015: "Indigenous Identities and Ethnic Coexistence in Africa". Special issue of African Studies Monographs 36(1).
  • Pelican, Michaela and Junko Maruyama, 2015: "Introduction: Indigenous identities and ethnic coexistence in Africa". In: African Studies Monographs 36(1), pp. 1-3
  • Pelican, Michaela and Junko Maruyama, 2015: "The Indigenous Rights Movement in Africa: Perspectives from Botswana and Cameroon". In: African Studies Monographs 36(1):, pp. 49-74.
  • Pelican, Michaela, 2015: "Neoliberal Challenges and Transnational Lives of Cameroonian Migrants in Dubai". In: Rogaia Mustafa Abusharaf and Dale F. Eickelman (eds.): Africa and the Gulf Region: Blurred Boundaries and Shifting Ties. Berlin: Gerlach Press, pp. 92-110.
  • Pelican, Michaela, 2015: "Space for informal activities". In: Tobias Schwarz et al. (eds.): Reflections on migration in the Global South – Voices from around the world. Global South Studies Center (GSSC, University of Cologne, Germany.

  • Schwarz, Tobias, 2015: "The universal and the particular. Contrasting nomothetic and idiographic comparisons". In: UoC Forum 'Ethnicity as a Political Resource' (eds.): Ethnicity as a Political Resource - Conceptualizations across, disciplines, regions, and periods. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 57-74.
  • Schwarz, Tobias, 2015: "Wer gehört zu uns? Einwanderungs- und Staatsangehörigkeitspolitiken in Venezuela und in der Dominikanischen Republik". In: IMIS Beiträge 47, pp. 195–213.
  • Schwarz, Tobias/O. Tappe, A. Hollington and T. Salverda, 2015: "Reflections on Migration in the Global South". In: Voices From Around the World, 2.
  • Schwarz, Tobias, 2015: "Identity from above? The Mission Identity in Venezuela". In: Fernández, J./ D. Gallo González and V. Zink (eds.): W(h)ither Identity. Positioning the self and transforming the social. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, pp. 169-184.
  • Schwarz, Tobias, 2015: "Negociaciones de participación y configuraciones de derechos. Conceptualizando la relación entre ciudadanía y pertenencia". In: Potthast, B. et al. (eds.): Dinámicas de inclusión y exclusión en América Latina. Conceptos y prácticas de etnicidad, ciudadanía y pertenencia. Frankfurt am Main/Madrid: Iboamericana/Vervuert, pp. 83-110.

  • Saez-Arance, Antonio, 2015: "Araucanos or ‚Mapuches’? Prejudice vs. Recognition in the Chilean media and academia". In: UoC Forum 'Ethnicity as a Political Resource' (eds.): Ethnicity as a Political Resource - Conceptualizations across, disciplines, regions, and periods. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 221-236.
  • Sáez-Arance, Antonio, 2015: "Offene Wunden. Die Verschwundenen in Lateinamerika". In: Matices. Zeitschrift zu Lateinamerika, Spanien und Portugal 22/84, pp. 22-24.
  • Sáez-Arance, Antonio/Stefan Rinke and Karina Kriegesmann, 2015: "DOSSIER: Simón Bolívar. Befreier Südamerikas". In: Damals 47/09, pp. 16-44.

  • Widlok, Thomas, 2015: "Ethnicity as social deixis". In: UoC Forum 'Ethnicity as a Political Resource' (eds.): Ethnicity as a Political Resource - Conceptualizations across, disciplines, regions, and periods. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 85-98.
  • Widlok, Thomas, 2015: "Making persons accountable: The impact of identification technology and of legal incorporation on notions of the person" In: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 140, pp. 191-205.
  • Widlok, Thomas, 2015: "Kulturtechniken: ethnographisch fremd und anthropologisch fremd. Eine Kritik an ökologisch-phänomenologischen und kognitiv-modularisierenden Ansätzen. In: T. Kienlin (ed.): Fremdheit. Perspektiven auf das Andere. Cologne Contributions to Archaeology and Cultural Studies 1 / Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie 264. Bonn: Habelt, pp. 41-59.


  • Krämer, Mario, 2014: "Democratisation between violent conflict and the resurgence of chieftaincy. Local transformations of a travelling model in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa". In: Andrea Behrends, Sung-Joon Park & Richard Rottenburg (eds.): Travelling Models in African Conflict Management. Translating Technologies of Social Ordering. Leiden: Brill, pp. 167–180.

  • Manke, Albert, 2014: "El nacionalsocialismo en Colonia hasta 1945 y la recuperación de la memoria histórica hasta la actualidad". In: Regalado Pinedo, Aristarco (eds.): Violencias y Miedos. Una reflexión desde la historia, el cine y las migraciones contemporáneas. Guadalajara: Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario de Los Lagos, pp. 101-142.
  • Manke, Albert, 2014: "El pueblo cubano en armas: Die Revolutionären Nationalmilizen und die Verteidigung der kubanischen Revolution von 1959". In: Historamericana, Vol. 35, Stuttgart: Heinz.
  • Manke, Albert, 2014: "In Defense of the Cuban Revolution: Mobilization and Popular Support for Revolutionary Change, 1959-1961". In: Font, Mauricio/Tinajero, Araceli (eds.): Handbook on Cuban History, Literature, and the Arts: New perspectives on historical and contemporary social change. Boulder: Paradigm, pp. 25-36.

  • Heiss, Jan Patrick and Michaela Pelican (eds.), 2014: "Se créer un avenir en Afrique / Making a future in Africa". Special issue of Journal des Africanistes 84(1).
  • Pelican, Michaela and Jan Patrick Heiss, 2014, "'Making a future' in contemporary Africa. Introduction". Journal des Africanistes 84(1), pp. 7-19.
  • Pelican, Michaela and Mahir Saul (eds.), 2014: "Global African Entrepreneurs". Special Issue of Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development (UAS) 43(1-3).
  • Saul, Mahir and Michaela Pelican, 2014: "Global African Entrepreneurs: A new research perspective on contemporary African migration". Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development (UAS) 43 (1-3), pp. 1-16.
  • Pelican, Michaela,  2014: "Urban Lifeworlds of Cameroonian Migrants in Dubai". Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development (UAS) 43 (1-3), pp. 255-309.
  • Pelican, Michaela (ed.), 2014: BAOHAN Street: An African Community in Guangzhou. Documentary photographs by Li Dong. Kölner Arbeitspapiere zur Ethnologie 4, Institut für Ethnologie, Universität zu Köln.
  • Damir-Geilsdorf, Sabine/Mira Menzfeld and Michaela Pelican (eds.), 2014: Islam und Sport: Einblicke in das interdisziplinäre Forschungs- und Lehrprojekt „Ethnographie vor der Haustür“ der Universität zu Köln. Kölner Arbeitspapiere zur Ethnologie 5. Institut für Ethnologie, Universität zu Köln.

  • Sáez Arance, Antonio, 2014: "Constitución disciplinaria e identidad nacional en los inicios de la historiografía chilena". In: Carreras, Sandra/Carrillo Zeiter, Katja (eds.): Las ciencias en la formación de las naciones americanas. Frankfurt/Madrid: Iberoamericana/Vervuert, pp. 91-110.
  • Sáez-Arance, Antonio, 2014: "Separatismus oder blutige Erbschaft der Diktatur – die Gründung der ETA im Juli 1959". In: Damals 46/7, pp. 10-13.

  • Schwarz, Tobias, 2014: "Regímenes de pertenencia nacional en Venezuela y la República Dominicana contemporanea". In: Tabula Rasa (20), pp. 227–246.
  • Schwarz, Tobias, 2014: "Staatliche Definition nationaler Zugehörigkeit und ausschließende Verwaltungspraxis in der Dominikanischen Republik". In: Adam, J./A. Vonderau (eds.): Formationen des Politischen. Anthropologie politischer Felder. Bielefeld, 63-89.

  • Widlok, Thomas, 2014: "Über die Gesundheit, Krankheit und die Heilungsmöglichkeiten von Organisationen" In: Spülback S. and J. Ries (eds.): Organisationsethnologie. Münster: Lit.
  • Widlok, Thomas, 2014: "Agency, Time and Causality." In: Frontiers in Psychology 5:1264. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01264.


  • Albiez-Wieck, Sarah, 2013: Contactos exteriores del Estado Tarasco. Influencias desde dentro y fuera de Mesoamérica. Zamora: El Colegio de Michoacán.
  • Albiez-Wieck, Sarah, 2013: "Social categorisations in the Tarascan State. Debates about the existence of Ethnicity in Prehispanic West Mexico". In: Célleri, Daniela; Schwarz, Tobias; Wittger, Bea (Hg.): Interdependencies of Social Categorisations. Frankfurt a.M.; Madrid: Vervuert/Iberoamericana (Ethnicity, Citizenship and Belonging in Latin America, 2), pp. 265-288.
  • Albiez-Wieck, Sarah, 2013: "Mesoamerika" in: Hensel, Silke; Potthast, Barbara (eds.): Das Lateinamerika Lexikon. Wuppertal: Peter Hammer Verlag, pp. 216-217

  • Becker, Anja, 2013: "Indigenous Women as Agents of Change in a transforming pastoral Society in Kenya". In: Center for African Studies Spring Newsletter, Rutgers University: NJ, USA.

  • Manke, Albert, 2013. "Guerilla". In: Hensel, Silke/Potthast, Barbara (eds.): Das Lateinamerika-Lexikon. Wuppertal: Peter Hammer Verlag, pp. 130-132.

  • Pelican, Michaela, 2013. "Insights from Cameroon: Five years after the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples". In: Anthropology Today 29(3), pp. 13-16.
  • Pelican, Michaela. 2013: "International Migration: Virtue or Vice? Perspectives from Cameroon". Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 39(2), pp. 237-258.

  • Sáez-Arance, Antonio, 2013: "Staat". In: Hensel, Silke/Barbara Potthast (eds.): Lateinamerika-Lexikon. Wuppertal/Düsseldorf: Hammer-Verlag/Landeszentrale für politische Bildung, pp. 302-304.
  • Sáez-Arance, Antonio, 2013: "Nation/Nationalismus". In: Hensel, Silke/Barbara Posthast (eds.): Lateinamerika-Lexikon. Wuppertal/Düsseldorf: Hammer-Verlag/Landeszentrale für politische Bildung, pp. 240-242.
  • Sáez-Arance, Antonio, 2013: "Chile". In: Hensel, Silke/Barbara Potthast (eds.): Lateinamerika-Lexikon. Wuppertal/Düsseldorf: Hammer-Verlag/Landeszentrale für politische Bildung, pp. 57-63.
  • Sáez-Arance, Antonio, 2013: Simón Bolívar: el Libertador y su mito. Madrid: Marcial Pons Historia.

  • Schwarz, Tobias, 2013: "Políticas de inmigración en América Latina: el extranjero indeseable en las normas nacionales, de la independencias hasta los años de 1930". In: Procesos. Revista Ecuatoriana de Historia 36, pp.39-72.
  • Schwarz, Tobias, 2013: "Policies of Belonging: Nationale Mitgliedschaft und Zugehörigkeit in Lateinamerika". Kompetenznetz Lateinamerika Working Paper Series, No. 2.
  • Schwarz, Tobias, 2013: "National belonging in the Dominican Republic. The legal position as an interdependent social categorization". In: Célleri, D./T. Schwarz and B. Wittger (eds.): Interdependencies of Social Categorisations. Frankfurt am Main/Madrid: Vervuert, pp. 213-235.
  • Schwarz, Tobias/D. Célleri  and B. Wittger, 2013: "Interdependencies of social categorisations in past and present societies of Latin America and beyond". In: Célleri, D./T. Schwarz and B. Wittger (eds.):  Interdependencies of Social Categorisations. Frankfurt am Main/Madrid: Vervuert.

  • Widlok, Thomas, 2013: "Sharing. Allowing others to take what is valued". In: HAU. Journal of Ethnographic Theory 3/2, pp. 11-31.